Studio Lab

Let’s make it happen

We promote disruptive projects that make technology the tool for the progress of people and society

We are the push that talent needs to change the world.
We embrace the Singularity, which will cause an unprecedented change in humanity thanks to the technological revolution.

We bet on talent and its power to transform the world through the most disruptive technologies. We invest in start-ups and technological entrepreneurs, providing financial, human and technical resources to launch projects, take them off, accelerate them and scale them.

We launch and accelerate start-up companies with the 'driver' of technologies based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and intelligent language. We build the teams and provide them with the resources, tools and infrastructure to hatch.

We accompany innovative projects, newly created or already underway, and connect them with our network of mentors to access investment rounds and connect with key people and organizations.

They are part of a powerful ecosystem of alliances and collaborations, in which we establish partnerships, specific collaborations and 'joint ventures' for large transformative projects.

We invest

We bet on talent and its power to transform the world through
more disruptive technologies. We invest in start-ups and entrepreneurs
technological, providing financial, human and technical resources to launch projects, take off, accelerate and scale them.

We develop

We launch and accelerate start-up companies with the ‘driver’ of technologies based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and intelligent language. We build the teams and provide them with the resources, tools and infrastructure to hatch.

We mentor

We accompany innovative projects, newly created or already underway, and connect them with our network of mentors to access investment rounds and connect with key people and organizations.

We collaborate

They are part of a powerful ecosystem of alliances and collaborations, in which we establish partnerships, specific collaborations and ‘joint ventures’ for large transformative projects.

Meritxell Bautista

Meritxell Bautista

Executive President of Manix Capital. One of the great female references in the ICT sector and one of the 500 most influential women in Spain (2022).

Co-founder of the telecommunications company Fibracat and the television channel Fibracat TV.

Councilor of the Business Women's Observatory (ODEE) of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

Member of Dones Tech and of the board of directors of the Catalan Society of Technology.

Councilor of the International Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FIDEM) and patron of the Polytechnic Board (University of Girona).

Ambassador of the SheLeadar Foundation for the promotion of women's leadership, where she has been nominated "Top Spanish women entrepreneurs" three years in a row.

Josep Olivet

Josep Olivet

CEO of Manix Capital. Expert technologist in telecommunications and artificial intelligence. Founder of Altecom and co-founder of Fibracat.

An entrepreneur since the age of 16, he was one of the great pioneers in Europe in the implementation of telephone communication with IP voice and he anticipated the need for connectivity in public institutions.

After 24 years at the head of Altecom, he has decided to get involved in the creation and acceleration of start-up companies with a technological component, especially related to artificial intelligence, virtual reality, machine learning and autonomous generation of content.

Disruptive projects

Smart energy

Start-up for the transformation of the energy model through the use of artificial intelligence. In development (Early stage)


AI-enabled systems for investment and finance


Multiplataforma inteligente de contenido cultural para streaming de audio y video que conecta talento a nivel global


Our headquarters is much more than that.

It is the laboratory where ideas come from and a workspace where talent feels connected to opportunities.

C/Era Esquerra, 18
08242 Manresa (Barcelona)

+34 93 701 27 00

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